
Results 806 to 810 of 1010 in all schools

The mass movement of humans and animals is significantly affecting the distribution of essential microorganisms, scientists warn.

all schools news archive | Faculty of Environment | University of Leeds

I’ve been to a number of conferences but never one on the scale of the Royal Geographical Society & Institute of British Geographers annual international conference, held this year at Imperial College

Tropical forests are less likely to lose biomass – plants and plant material - suggests a study published by Nature Geoscience.

Image of pedestrians waiting to cross the road

Some key urban transport policy measures can lead to positive effects on people’s health, while others have few benefits or can be harmful to public health, a new study has found.

Following a decade of strong growth, bus passenger numbers are now in decline. Between 2014-15 and 2016-17, the number of passenger journeys made on buses fell by six per cent.