
Results 821 to 825 of 1010 in all schools

Food science and nutrition students watch a demonstration in the University of Leeds food lab

Food Science and Nutrition at Leeds has moved up to 2nd place in the latest Complete University Guide, and the University of Leeds has climbed 2 places.

Geochemistry in the field: Stefanie Lutz and Liane Benning working on a glacier in Greenland.

The Cohen geochemistry group are presenting at Goldschmidt 2017 in Paris, details of talks and posters can found below.

Otley under water during the Boxing Day floods in 2015

Natural measures to manage river flooding can play a valuable role in flood prevention, but a lack of monitoring means their true potential remains unclear, researchers say.

Carbon emissions across all nine Amazon nations have been fully matches by carbon absorption by mature Amazon forests since the 1980s, new research shows.

Curvette Central, in DR Congo. Credit: Simon Lewis

A vast peatland in the Congo Basin has been mapped for the first time, revealing it to be the largest in the tropics.