
Results 16 to 20 of 1066 in all schools

Two university leaders sit on a table signing a paper. Nine more stand behind them.

The University of Leeds collaborates with universities in Norway to drive research across culture, energy and health.

Solar panels in a field in Nairobi, Kenya

Dr Sheridan Few is part of a consortium with partners in Ghana, Kenya, and Rwanda, which will boost community access to solar energy in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Animation of three delivery drones with parcels

To achieve transport justice, the public must have a say on the uses and policies of new technology. Dr Angela Smith used innovative methods of engaging the public in Advanced Air Mobility (AAM).

Historical timeline co-creation with Danielle Robinson at ‘The future of the Philippine fisheries sector in a changing environment’ workshop

How can the Philippines’ fishing sector cope with global challenges like climate change? Dr Danielle Robinson reflects on a workshop for future development with Rare Conservation Philippines.

Close up on supermarket trolleys at night. By Liviu Florescu on Unsplash

Dr Andy Newing reflects on the recently published Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) review of loyalty pricing by supermarkets.