Faza Fawzan Bastarianto
- Email: ts17ffb@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: An integrated framework of agent-based and activity-travel behaviour modelling. A case study from The Greater Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Supervisors: Professor Charisma Choudhury, Professor Ed Manley, Dr. Thomas Hancock
Faza is a postgraduate researcher in Transport Studies at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. His Ph.D. programme is funded by the Indonesian Education Scholarship provided by Indonesia Endowment Funds for Education (LPDP) and Center for Education Funding Services. In 2017/18, he completed an MSc(Eng) in Transport Planning and Engineering at the University of Leeds where his dissertation titled ‘A Tour-Based Mode Choice Model for Commuters in Indonesia’ was published in Sustainability journal (Impact Factor 3.251 and CiteScore 3.9 on Scopus). Faza is working as a lecturer, in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia starting from 2021.
Research interests
Travel behaviour modelling, Discrete choice analysis, Agent-based modelling, Transport planning, Transport policy and Transport in developing countries.
- MSc(Eng) in Transport Planning and Engineering, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds
- MSc in Transport System and Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada
- BEng in Civil Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Research groups and institutes
- Choice Modelling