Professor David Hodgson
- Position: Professor of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- Areas of expertise: sedimentology; stratigraphy; diagenesis; geomorphology
- Email: D.Hodgson@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 0236
- Location: 8.28
- Website: Strat Leeds | Googlescholar | ORCID
I completed my PhD at UCL in 2001, which focussed on sedimentation patterns during late Miocene tectonic deformation of the Tabernas-Sorbas Basin, SE Spain. Subsequently, I spent 10 years at the University of Liverpool, before joining the School of Earth & Environment in 2012.
Research interests
My research focus is the stratigraphic record of sedimentary basins. A principal research area is the characterization of sedimentary processes and depositional architecture of submarine channel-levee and lobe systems. A second research focus lies in advancing the role of geosciences in the sustainable development of offshore windfarms.
Members of my research group, the Stratigraphy Group, are investigating the stratigraphic and sedimentological record of a wide range of depositional environments using outcrop and subsurface datasets, and modern systems.
My roles include:
Deputy Director of NERC-funded Yorkshire iCASP - follow @YorkshireiCASP
Director of the Sorby Environmental Fluid Dynamics Laboratory - follow @SEE_Fluids_UK
New Open Access Publication on the role of geosciences in offshore windfarm developments by Velenturf et al. - download here
<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="https://environment.leeds.ac.uk/dir/research-projects">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>- Elements and Architecture in Deep Water Turbidite Systems
- iCASP - The Yorkshire Integrated Catchment Solutions Programme
- LOBE 2
- The Shallow Marine Research Group
Student education
Current PhD research students:
- Junia Casagrande: Controls on the 3D architecture of submarine channel and lobe systems over stepped slope profile
- Timothy Wigan: Subsurface analysis of deep-water lobe systems; an integrated seismic reflection and borehole approach. Lobe3 funded 2018-2022
- Lauren Clarehugh: Injectites. Vår Energy funded 2019-2023
- William Taylor*: Modelling the sedimentology, and stratigraphic architecture of submarine channel margin systems. Slope5 funded 2020-2024
- Ed Keavney*: Spilling into confinement: submarine slope valleys as pollutant and carbon sinks. 2020-2024
- Mohammed Mohammed: Sediment flux, depositional processes and architecture of a fault-bounded, base-of-slope submarine fan: Corinth Rift, Greece. PETROMAKS 2/Lobe 3. 2020-2024.
- Abhimanyu Gaur: Hydrodynamics of microplastics and organic carbon, EPSRC CDT. 2021-2025
Completed PhD research students:
- Richard Wild (2002-2005): Sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic evolution of a Permian lower slope to shelf succession, Tanqua depocentre, SW Karoo Basin, South Africa
- Carlos Oliveira (2004-2008): Soft sediment deformation processes and products in shelf to base of slope settings
- Willem van der Merwe (2005-2009): Basin margin failure processes during the initiation of a deepwater system; the Vischkuil Formation, Laingsburg Depocentre, SW Karoo Basin, South Africa
- Jorge Figueiredo (2005-2009): Stratigraphic prediction in mud-prone deepwater systems
- Amandine Prélat (2006-2010): Evolution, architecture and hierarchy of distributary deep-water deposits: a high-resolution outcrop investigation of submarine lobe deposits from the Permian Karoo Basin South Africa
- Rhodri Jerrett (2006-2010): Coal seams as high-resolution records of accommodation change in terrestrial environments
- Rory O’Hara Murray (2006-2010): Suspended sand concentrations and bedform evolution under irregular waves
- Ehsan Daneshvar (2006-2010): Empirical and Experimental Assessment of Environmental Controls on Sediment Mineralogy and Fabric Induced by Animals in Estuaries and Intertidal Areas
- John Cummings (2007-2011): Assessing the response of deep-marine macrofauna to the early Palaeogene hyperthermal events: An integrated ichnological, geochemical and stratigraphical approach in the Basque Basin, northern Spain
- Claire Mellett (2008-2012): Drowned landscapes of the eastern English Channel:
records of Quaternary environmental change - Patrick Dowey (2008-2013): ction of clay minerals and grain-coatings in sandstone reservoirs utilising ancient examples and modern analogue studies
- Gemma Byrne (2008-2013): The role of changing water geochemistry in mineral formation and distribution in estuaries
- George Jones (2008-2013): Sedimentary processes and stratigraphic record of the shelf to slope transition; an example from the Karoo Basin, South Africa
- Emma Morris (2009-2014): Stratigraphic record of sedimentary processes in submarine channel-levee systems
- Alice Gulliford (2010-2014) (University of Manchester): Controls on river and overbank processes in an aggradation-dominated system: Permo-Triassic Beaufort Group, South Africa
- Xiaoxi Wang (TU Delft, 2010-2015): Physical and numerical modelling of turbidity currents in bathymetrically complex settings - CSC
- Marcello Gugliotta (University of Manchester): Tidal-Fluvial transitions and their stratigraphic significance - Lajas project
- Menno Hofstra: From confined to unconfined: the sedimentary processes and stratigraphic record of submarine channel-mouth lobes – LOBE2 funded
- Yvonne Spychala: Are all lobes made equal? Comparing the sedimentological processes and depositional architecture of submarine lobes in different palaeogeographic and sequence stratigraphic positions – LOBE2 funded
- Janet Richardson: Antecedent fluvial systems on an uplifted continental margin: constraining Cretaceous to present-day drainage basin development in southern South Africa
- Sarah Cobain: Mechanisms, distribution, and subsurface implications of clastic dyke and sill emplacement. NERC Open CASE (Statoil)
- Andrea Ortiz- Karpf: Levee morphology and architecture in bathymetrically complex settings - Colciencas
- Michelle Shiers: Sedimentology of fluvial channel-to-overbank transitions in low- and high-accommodation settings: an outcrop case study from the Upper Mesa Verde Group, Utah, USA - FRG-ERG funded
- Catherine Burns: Quantitative prediction of fluvial stratigraphic architecture in overbank successions. FRG-funded
- Catherine Russell: Controls on point bar architecture based on 3D outcrop studies. FRG
- Luz Gomis Cartesio (University of Manchester): On the shelf to fluvial transition. SLOPE4
- Hannah Brooks*: Influence of tectonic, erosional, and depositional relief on deepwater processes and stratigraphy. SLOPE4-funded
- Albertina Nakashole: Seismic geomorphology and stratigraphy of the Namibian continental shelf: sediment dispersal patterns and coarse-grained coastal landforms. SMRG / PSG
- Grace Cosgrove*: The continental shelf: a conveyor and/or filter of sediment to deep water? SMRG-funded
- Thais Cabral Almeida Empinotti (TU Delft): Numerical modelling of stepped slope profiles. Petrobras
- Franzikska Palm: Geomorphology of active submarine channels. LARS
- Aurélia Privat: Submarine lobes in post-rift settings: facies, geometry, and stacking patterns from the Los Molles Fm., Neuquen Bain, Argentina. LOBE2
- Bonita Barrett*: Stratigraphic architecture of shallow-marine systems in syn-rift to post-rift settings. SMRG-funded, 2015-2019
- Daniel Bell: Prediction of reservoir properties from processes and architecture in deep-water clastic systems. Uni. Of Manchester, 2016-2019
- Andy Emery*: Coastal response to marine transgression: employing the offshore Holocene record to constrain future coastal realignment strategies. LARS-funded 2016-2020
- Charlotte Allen: Evolution, processes and deposits of high latitude low sinuosity submarine channels. NERC DTP 2016-2020
- Niall Gandy: Collapse of the British and Irish ice sheet: the role of climate and sea level changes NERC DTP 2016-2020
- Kevin Boulesteix: Deepwater mudrock depositional processes and sequence stratigraphy in the Permo-Triassic icehouse to greenhouse transition, Karoo Basin, South Africa.
- Stephen Eaton*: Origin, evolution, and mobility of large seabed bedforms, offshore East Anglia. SMRG/Vatenfall
- Harya Nugraha: Multi-scale analysis of Mass-transport complexes (MTCs): Subsurface characterisation, prediction, and its impact on hydrocarbon exploration and production, Imperial College
- Michael Steventon: Reservoir architecture and quality around active salt diapir in the Central North Sea, Imperial College
- Nan Wu: MTCs characterisation and prediction in salt-related basins, Imperial College
- Isaac Odeh: Reservoir architecture and quality around active salt diapir in the Central North Sea (PTDF-funded)
- Tim Cullen: Response of density underflows to rift basin floor typography and palaeoenvironmental changes, Norwegian Research Council and PETROMAKS 2
- Zoe Cumberpatch: Discerning halokinetic from autocyclic sequences in deep-marine sedimentary systems – the Bakio salt diapir and selected examples from Central graben, N. Sea. (NERC CDT)
- Roxana-Mihaela Stanca: Evolution of a micro-continent during continental break-up: re-evaluating the Falklands Plateau (NERC DTP)
- Ander Martínez-Doñate: Stratigraphic record of deep-marine flow evolution in a post-rift lobe system: Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Lobe3 funded 2018-2022
Research groups and institutes
- Institute of Applied Geoscience
- Sedimentology
- Institute of Geophysics and Tectonics
- water@leeds
Current postgraduate researchers
<h4>Postgraduate research opportunities</h4> <p>We welcome enquiries from motivated and qualified applicants from all around the world who are interested in PhD study. Our <a href="https://phd.leeds.ac.uk">research opportunities</a> allow you to search for projects and scholarships.</p>Projects
<li><a href="//phd.leeds.ac.uk/project/1304-hybrid-event-beds-in-confined-basins">Hybrid event beds in confined basins</a></li>