Debating the Dynamics of Mobility - Forge Summer School
Last week saw the Institute’s staff and PhD students leading the way in social science research training once again.
The ESRC funded Forge Network Summer School (convened by Professors Marsden (ITS) and Shove (Lancaster) tackled the issue of understanding the dynamics of mobility. Twenty-two PhD students and early career researchers from 6 countries attended the sessions which were facilitated by Dr Antonio Ferreira and Dr Dave Milne. Participants were exposed to a mix of lectures and workshops to try and understand how and why patterns of demand for mobility change and what might be done to influence them with 5 coming from the University of Leeds.
Further details of the Summer School are available at and presentations will be uploaded shortly. This is the fourth and final of the Forge Summer Schools – but training opportunities for PhD students will continue to be provided through the DEMAND Centre on end user energy demand reduction in 2014. Please visit for further details.