Ali Arabian
- Email: tsaar@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Allocation of visual attention during transition from conditionally automated driving: Effects of directionality and location of TOR signals
- Supervisors: Professor Natasha Merat, Dr Courtney Goodridge
I am a PhD student in Transport Studies at Institute for Transport Studies. My research interest mainly focuses on allocation of visual attention during transition from conditionally automated driving. I will investigate the impact of directional Takeover Request (TOR) signals on gaze behaviour and takeover performance.
Research interests
I am interested in visual attention management during transition from automated driving through TOR signals.
- Human factors in automated driving
- Visual attention
- Designing TOR signals
- BSc in Occupational Health Engineering, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences
- MSc in Ergonomics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Research groups and institutes
- Human Factors and Safety