Di Wu
- Email: qspn4321@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Developing New Behavioural Models at the Intersection of Psychology and Econometrics.
- Supervisors: Professor Stephane Hess, Dr. Thomas Hancock
I am a PhD student specializing in choice modelling at the Choice Modelling Centre, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. My academic background is initially in Civil Engineering, complemented by a skill set in mathematics, statistical modelling, and programming. Through my studies, I have developed a keen interest in transport planning and modelling, particularly the incorporation of human behavioral factors.
Prior to my PhD studies, I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering with Transport from the SWJTU-Leeds Joint School at Southwest Jiaotong University, China. My undergraduate research focused on the “Effects of Track Non-uniformity on Wheel-rail Interaction.” I then pursued a Master’s degree in Transport at Imperial College London and University College London, where my thesis was titled “Calibration of Pedestrian Dynamics Model in a Real-world Environment.”
Currently, my PhD research, supervised by Professor Stephane Hess and Dr. Thomas Hancock, contributes to the SYNERGY project. My research aims to unify theories from psychology, econometric and machine learning for the mathematical modelling of human behaviour