Ruifan Tang


I am a third year Ph.D. student currently studying at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS), The University of Leeds, supervised by Professor Ronghui Liu and Dr. Zhiyuan Lin.

I have a background in Internet of Things Engineering (IoT Engineering), Computer Science, and Railway Planning and Management.

My research activities cover how to apply artificial intelligence (AI) to the sector of public transport modeling and railway traffic management and planning.

I’m collaborating with and funded by the three-year research project RAILS (Roadmaps for A.I. Integration in the Rail Sector), under the context of the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking.  

Research interests

  • Graph Embedding-based primary/secondary delay prediction for train services
  • Graph Attention Network-based railway delay propagation simulation 
  • Railway incidents/disruptions attribution analysis
  • Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for traffic flow forecasting 


  • MSc Computer Science, University of Leeds, UK
  • B.Eng Internet of Things Engineering, Nankai University, China