Dr Manuel Ojeda Cabral
- Position: Associate Professor
- Areas of expertise: economic appraisal; cost-benefit analysis; valuation of non-market goods; welfare economics; value of travel time; accessibility; transport economics; railways; urban realm; public sector economics
- Email: M.A.OjedaCabral@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 1795
- Location: Room LG.06, Institute for Transport Studies (34-40 University Road)
Dr Manuel Ojeda Cabral is an Associate Professor at the Institute for Transport Studies. He joined ITS staff in 2014 after obtaining his Ph.D from the University of Leeds. Manuel’s research is driven by his willingness to contribute to better collective decision-making processes and the improvement of social welfare. His research is focused on understanding and improving the socio-economic appraisal of public sector projects and policies. This includes, for example, cost-benefit analysis techniques and the valuation of non-market goods such as time, accessibility, environmental factors and the urban realm. Most of his work falls within the remit of the transport sector and is published in world-leading journals. Manuel works closely with major public sector agencies, industry and other organizations, regularly contributing to national and international research projects directly linked to economic policy.
- Programme Leader for MSc Railway Operations, Management and Policy
- Associate Editor, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (JTEP)
Research interests
Key interests
- Appraisal
- Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)
- Valuation of non-market goods (travel time and other aspects of transport, the environment and the public realm)
- Welfare economics
- Accessibility
- Urban realm valuation and appraisal
- Land value research
- Transport economics
- Microeconomic theory and consumer behaviour
- Choice modelling and Stated Preferences experiments
- Hedonic pricing
- Rail economics
Current and recent research projects include:
- Rail Openings Appraisal: Review and development of appraisal practice for new railway lines, stations and services (funded by RSSB)
- Optimising the Design, Maintenance and Operation of Branch Lines (funded by RSSB)
- Residual Values and Appraisal Period in Multimodal Appraisal (funded by DfT)
- Assets4Rail (funded by the European Commission)
- Valuation and Appraisal of Accessibility in Rail (funded by RSSB)
- Valuing Accessibility in Transport (funded by DfT and Transport Scotland)
- Land Value and Transport Phase 2: Modelling and Appraisal (funded by TfN, WYCA and EPSRC)
- Assets4Rail
- Distributional impact appraisal audit
- National Railway Accessibility Strategy - Economics Benefits Framework
- New stations “disbenefits”: do through-passengers really stop using rail?
- Optimising the Design, Maintenance and Operation of Branch Lines
- Rail Openings Appraisal: Review and development of appraisal practice for new railway lines, stations and services
- Residual values and appraisal period in multimodal transport appraisal
- Valuation and Appraisal of Accessibility in Rail (VAAR): an appraisal framework for improvements in accessibility for all
- Valuing Accessibility in Transport
- Ph.D Economics
- MSc Transport Economics
- BA Economics
Student education
Manuel has teaching duties at the University of Leeds, regularly lecturing in economics and transport related modules at all levels (UG, PG and CPD courses), especially in various transport economic appraisal modules.
Research groups and institutes
- Economics and Appraisal