
Results 11 to 15 of 253 in School of Geography

Professor Dame Jane Francis wearing a life jacket in Rothera, Antarctica

The Chancellor of the University of Leeds, Professor Dame Jane Francis, has been elected President of the Royal Geographical Society.

Someone playing Fifa seen from behind. A bisexual pride flag is under the screen and a progress pride flag is behind it.

Queering Climate Change, an initiative fostering safer spaces for LGBTQ+ and marginalised voices in climate justice, held interactive "Gaming for the Planet" events last week.

A group of six practitioners of research, art and activism from Buenos Aires and Leeds, stood together in a line in front of the sustainable garden in Leeds.

A collaborative International Strategy Fund project with the University of Buenos Aires crosses boundaries, disciplines and cultures to tackle climate justice.

Left: an image of Lex Comber, smiling. Right: blue text reading

Professor Lex Comber has received funding for research that uses social media insights to track trends in gentrification and house pricing in the UK, Vietnam and New Zealand.

Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone. Image shows the view of the coast, including high-rises and an offshore cargo boat.

Ahead of Africa Day on May 25, this article highlights recent research projects in which our researchers have collaborated with African communities, researchers and practitioners.