
Results 21 to 25 of 253 in School of Geography

A sepia photo from 1935. Three men stand atop a pile of wood and brick rubble, in front of the single remaining wall of a house.

A highly visual online exhibition co-created by Dr Arjan Gosal focuses on the effects of colonialism and geographical studies on people living with natural hazards.

A large group of researchers including delegates from southern and eastern Africa, standing together in the Global Food and Environment Institute at Leeds.

Partners from across Africa gathered in Leeds for a week of research dedicated to tackling challenges in food systems and supply chains.

geography professor louise waite advises the house of lords on the modern slavery act

LSSI Director and Human Geography Professor Louise Waite has given evidence to the House of Lords Modern Slavery Act 2015 Committee, outlining the conflation of modern slavery and immigration.

A map of chambers of different shapes covering the space. The left half is hand drawn, the right is digital.

Dr Asa Roast explores the “megadungeon” – an imagined space that players of fantasy tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) play in – using critical geography.

A river in full flow in the alps cascading over rocks in the foreground in the background are trees and bright blue sky

Climate change is disrupting the seasonal flow of rivers in the far northern latitudes of America, Russia and Europe, posing a threat to water security and ecosystems, according to new research.