
Results 31 to 35 of 253 in School of Geography

John lockwood obituary

Influential Teacher of Climate Science at the School of Geography

Drone photography of Hammarmossen raised bog, Sweden, where researchers found that open water pools have been rapidly shrinking and disappearing over the last six decades, overgrown by mats of Sphagnum moss and sedges.

Peatlands are carbon-rich wetlands that are often covered in mazy patterns of open water pools, but some boreal peatlands in Scandinavia and elsewhere are beginning to lose their characteristic pools.

A person stood in the street in front of a high rise building, holding a sign that says

This Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, we highlight research at the University of Leeds that explores the causes and solutions to modern-day slavery and contributes towards ending it.

A photograph of a tropical forest treetop canopy.

Scientists have found almost identical patterns of tree diversity across the world’s tropical forests.

A picture of the Earth at night from space. Some areas of land are lit up with lights.

Leeds Institute of Data Analytics (LIDA) reports on their successful year.