Sijin Wu
- Email: tssw@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Individual mobility behaviour modelling by fusing proximity information in the context of virus transmission
- Supervisors: Professor Susan Grant-Muller, Dr Yuanxuan Yang, Professor Lili Yang from SUSTech
Sijin Wu is currently enrolled in the split-site PhD program at the University of Leeds, Leeds, UK and the Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China. The dominant study focuses on the interactions between human mobility and policy interventions during the Covid-19 era via quantitative analysis methods, including data science, optimisation, and multi-agent modelling, while the broad scope of research aims to explore individual mobility behaviour patterns with the help of new emerging tracking data.
Detailed information could be collected from my personal website.
Research interests
- Multi-agent simulation
- Machine learning
- Data science
- Human mobility
- Policy analysis