Dr Caroline Mullen
- Position: Associate Professor
- Areas of expertise: Sustainability, social inclusion and equalities in mobility and transport; mobility planning, mobility policy and governance; active travel and low carbon travel; political theory
- Email: C.A.Mullen@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 5343
- Location: Room 1.14, Institute for Transport Studies (34-40 University Road)
- Website: | Googlescholar | ORCID
Publications: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=3TDjiv4AAAAJ&hl=en (or scroll down this page)
PhD thesis https://www.librarysearch.manchester.ac.uk/permalink/44MAN_INST/1r887gn/alma992990518204901631
- Programme manager: Sustainability in Transport MSc
Research interests
Areas of work:
- Environmental and social justice for sustainable transport
- Walking and cycling.
- Understanding travel demand, travel needs and transport related social inclusion.
- Application of political theory to policy and politics of sustainability in transport.
- Governance: particularly theory and application of deliberative and reflexive governance.
- Epistemology and research methods
My current research.
- Path2Zero: Accelerating Net-Zero Transformation by Advancing Europe’s Transport Pathways and Cross-Sectoral Synergies, EU Horizon
Previous projects:
- CoCoMo – How can shared micro mobility (SMM) options best be combined with existing transport systems to increase accessibility for all and add to sustainable transportation solutions?
- UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) Phase 4 https://ukerc.ac.uk/about/people/caroline-mullen/
- The Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS) - Transport Theme, https://www.creds.ac.uk/people/caroline-mullen/
- U-PASS Urban Public Administration and ServiceS innovation for Innovative Urban Mobility Management and Policy
- RACER (Rapid acceleration of Car Emission Reductions), Energy Research Council, (UKERC, 2017-2018)
- Energy poverty and social relations: understanding vulnerability through secondary qualitative analysis, White Rose Collaboration Fund, 2017
- Need, mobility poverty and the ethics of the future cost of mobility: Greg Marsden and Caroline Mullen. Researcher, This is part of the DEMAND Centre: Dynamics of Energy, Mobility and Demand, 2014 - 2017 (ESRC/EPSRC with support from ECLEER (EDF R&D), Transport for London and the International Energy Agency)
- CH4LLENGE: Addressing the four Key Challenges of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning, 2013-2016 (Co-Funded by Intelligent Energy Europe).
- Disruption: unlocking low carbon travel, Researcher (EPSRC, RCUK Energy).
- Multi-level Governance, Transport Policy and Carbon Emissions Management, Researcher (ESRC)
- Competitive Cities: The Network and Long term impacts of fiscal Management of Transport Demand, Researcher (EPSRC)
- Understanding Walking and Cycling, Researcher (EPSRC)
- Accelerating Net-Zero Transformation by Advancing Europe’s Transport Pathways and Cross-Sectoral Synergies’ PATH2ZERO, Coordinated by Deutsches Zentrum Fur Luft - Und Raumfahrt EV.
- Ch4llenge - Sustainable urban mobility planning
- CoCoMo
- U-PASS Urban Public Administration and ServiceS innovation for Innovative Urban Mobility Management and Policy
- PhD, School of Law, University of Manchester
- MA, Philosophy, University of Leeds
- BA (Hons), Philosophy, University of Leeds
Student education
- Programme manager: Sustainability in Transport MSc
- Co-design of MSc Sustainable Cities and module leadership for Mobility systems, and Research and Methods for Urban Sustainablity
- Teaching on: Sustainability, transport and social and environmental policy, Mobility planning, Mobility justice, Public participation, Research methods and epistemology and sustainable futures.
- PhD supervision on inclusive mobility, active travel, governance of low carbon mobility transistions, accessible public transport.
I am happy to discuss PhD proposals on topics including:
- Urban mobility planning
- Walking and cycling
- Social, economic and environmental justice in mobility and transport
Research groups and institutes
- Social and Political Sciences