L3Pilot launched: piloting automated driving on European roads
L3Pilot launched: ITS team involved in understanding the human factors, challenges and opportunities of automated vehicles
Assessing the health impact of transport policies
Some key urban transport policy measures can lead to positive effects on people’s health, while others have few benefits or can be harmful to public health, a new study has found.
Dr Ronghui Liu gives expert advice in London's Bus Network Report
Following a decade of strong growth, bus passenger numbers are now in decline. Between 2014-15 and 2016-17, the number of passenger journeys made on buses fell by six per cent.
In memoriam, Dr Frank Lai 1969-2017
We are deeply saddened that our friend, colleague and alumni Frank Lai recently passed away after a courageous battle against cancer.
Learning data science by doing it
University of Leeds students have delivered innovative new transport modelling ideas to an external client, Derbyshire County Council, in place of traditional written examinations for a taught module.