UK Chapter of the System Dynamics Society
There were five full paper entries for the student prize, covering a range of system dynamics applications in business, the environment and the housing market.
Driverless cars could increase reliance on roads
Driverless vehicles could intensify car use, reducing or even eliminating promised energy savings and environmental benefits, a study led by a University of Leeds researcher has warned.
Kids plan their town
At the University’s Be Curious Festival of Science on 19th March members of ITS, with a little help from others, ran a creative stall: Walking and cycling in your neighbourhood: plan your town.
Using eco-driving support systems in real conditions bring energy saving of up to 6%
After over 4 years of activities, the European ecoDriver project released its first results during the final event in Stuttgart on 16 March.
Can we learn anything from the Forth Road Bridge failure?
The closure of the Forth Road Bridge on Thursday left 100,000 people and major businesses such as Amazon facing large diversions and substantial delays in the immediate aftermath of the closure.