Leeds set to become a partner of The Alan Turing Insitute
The University of Leeds is set to become a partner of The Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s prestigious national institute for data science.
The lives of cars seen through licensing and test data
Research for the RAC Foundation has added weight to the argument that scrapping the oldest cars owned by people living in towns and cities would have a negligible effect on air quality.
EMPOWER success at CIVITAS Forum 2017
Close to 500 participants convened for the 15th CIVITAS Forum which took place this September in Torres Vedras, Portugal.
Leeds Climathon: Air Pollution Challenge
This years Climathon will be held at ODI Leeds on 26 and 27 October. Climathon is a 24-hour global climate change hackathon, co-ordinated by Climate-KIC.
ITS at TravelHackII and software events, past and future
Two ITS staff, Robin Lovelace and Ian Philips, attended the TravelHackII event hosted by ODI Leeds.