Professor David Watling
- Position: Centenary Professor of Transport Analysis
- Areas of expertise: mathematical modelling, simulation, statistical analysis and optimization of transport systems; transport networks; visioning of future systems; dynamic processes.
- Email: D.P.Watling@its.leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 6612
- Location: Room 2.02, Institute for Transport Studies (34-40 University Road)
- Website: Googlescholar | Researchgate | ORCID
Active/Recent Research Projects
optiTruck: Optimal fuel consumption with Predictive Power Train Control and calibration for intelligent trucks. EU Horizon 2020.
ELVITEN: Electrified L-category Vehicles Integrated into Transport and Electricity Networks. EU Horizon 2020.
TrACE – Transport Analytics Centre of Excellence in Cyprus. EU Horizon 2020.
STEP-CHANGE: Sustainable Transport Evidence and modelling Paradigms: Cohort Household Analysis to Achieve New Goals in Engineering design. EPSRC.
Visions2030: Visions of the role of walking and cycling in 2030. EPSRC.
Competitive Cities: The Network and Long term impacts of fiscal Management of Transport Demand. EPSRC.
Professional Engagements
Editorial Advisory Board, Transportation Research B: Methodological.
Associate Editor, Networks & Spatial Economics.
Editorial Board, European Journal of Transportation & Logistics.
Overseas Invited Member, International Association of Traffic & Safety Sciences.
Founder of series International Symposia on Dynamic Traffic Assignment
Programme Committee member of numerous international conferences, e.g. INSTR, EURO WG, DTA, IMA, ISTTT .
Member of the Leeds Institute of Data Analytics
- Co-Research Group Leader, Spatial Modelling and Dynamics group
- Co-Theme Leader, Resilience theme
Research interests
- Mathematical modelling, simulation, statistical analysis, optimisation of transport systems.
- Specific interest in traffic network models, especially dynamic and stochastic issues.
- Network reliability modelling and assessment.
- Optimal network toll problems, bi-level and mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints.
- Statistical inference for network models.
- Visioning and alternative/qualitative paradigms for long-range transport planning.
- BSc (Hons), Mathematics, University of Leeds
- PhD, Probability & Statistics, University of Sheffield
Student education
- Teach on various Masters-level and undergraduate-level modules concerned with the modelling of transport systems, transport networks and travel demand.
- Experience of running a variety of CPD courses for transport professionals, on network modelling (especially SATURN software), statistics & accident analysis.
- Supervisor of numerous PhD students.
- Formerly, for two three year periods, held the post of Director of Postgraduate Research Studies.
Research groups and institutes
- Spatial Modelling and Dynamics