Research projects

You searched in Faculty of Environment Research and innovation

Current projects

Title Funder Start date End date
WaterLANDS EU Horizon 2020 1 December 2021 30 November 2026
Increasing UK Dietary Fibre - The Case for the Great White British Loaf BBSRC/NERC, Molecules to Landscapes 1 October 2022 31 October 2025
City-centered approach to catalyze nature-based solutions through the EU Regenerative Urban Lighthouse for pollution alleviation and regenerative development (UPSURGE) EU Horizon 2020 1 September 2021 31 August 2025
Elements and Architecture in Deep Water Turbidite Systems Wintershall Dea 1 June 2021 31 May 2025
Traffic safety culture to improve road safety in West Yorkshire UK Research and Innovation 1 April 2024 31 March 2025
Transnational Families in Europe: Care, inequalities and wellbeing ESRC 1 June 2021 20 November 2024
TOZCA – Towards Zero Carbon Aviation EPSRC 1 November 2021 1 November 2024

Past projects

Title Funder Start date End date
Meeting the Paris Agreement on Climate: Exploiting Earth System Models to determine the role of future land-use change NERC 1 September 2019 31 August 2024
Ecosystem Recovery Following the Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction NERC 1 June 2023 31 May 2024
TRANSITION Clean Air Network, Leeds Subcontract NERC 1 September 2020 31 August 2023
SO-ICE European Space Agency 1 September 2021 31 August 2023
No.10 Data Science Fellowship ESRC 1 November 2021 30 April 2023
Study and characterization of cushuro proteins and polysaccharides ('Nostoc commune') from the Cotaparaco-Recuay lagoon, Áncash, for the development of functional foods and contribution to reduce children malnutrition National Programme for Innovation in Fisheries and Aquaculture (PNIPA) Peru 1 October 2020 30 September 2022
Optimising the Design, Maintenance and Operation of Branch Lines RSSB 1 March 2021 30 June 2022
Rail Openings Appraisal: Review and development of appraisal practice for new railway lines, stations and services RSSB 1 August 2020 30 June 2022
Severe Precipitation In South East Asia (SPISEA) Newton Fund 1 April 2020 31 March 2022
Interoperable Simulator Phase 3 EPSRC 1 June 2021 31 March 2022
Corridor Talk: Conservation Humanities and the Future of Europe’s National Parks AHRC 1 March 2019 28 February 2022
Residual values and appraisal period in multimodal transport appraisal Department for Transport 1 January 2021 30 April 2021
Experimental measurement and modelling of the steady-state and frequency-dependent electro-kinetic properties of rocks 1 September 2017 30 September 2018
Quantifying and understanding tropical peatland spatial distribution and carbon storage in Central Africa Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) 1 October 2011 31 December 2015
Rapid Dynamics in the Earth's Core 1 October 2011 31 August 2015
OASES (Outcomes Assessment of Sensory Education in Schools) EU Horizon 2020 1 October 2018 12 October 2022
IceControl (ERC Proof of Concept)
Diamond Leeds SAXS Facility EPSRC 01 Jun 2018 31 May 2023
Developing healthy eating recipe resources for African Caribbean multicultural communities in Leeds LeedsACTS! June 2021 March 2022