Dr Paul Timms
- Position: Lecturer
- Areas of expertise: Art and transport; transferability of policies and models; visioning transport futures; philosophy of models; socialist transport systems
- Email: P.M.Timms@its.leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 6612
- Location: Room 2.02, Institute for Transport Studies (34-40 University Road)
- Website: Web of Science | LinkedIn | Researchgate
Research Projects and Professional Engagements and Experience
A large number of research projects concerned with various aspects of transport modelling and transport policy, ranging from traffic signals to world futures.
A large number of overseas professional engagements including consultancy, research and teaching assignments in Thailand, Vietnam, India, Brazil, Malaysia, Rwanda, Ghana, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, El Salvador, Chile, China and Russia.
ITS Project Manager of a large number of EU-funded research projects
PhD supervision
Currently supervisor of 7 PhD students (March 2024) from Nigeria (2), South Korea, Dubai, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia and UK.
Past supervisor of a further 16 students who successfully completed their PhDs
Language capabilities
Fluency in Portuguese (spoken and written)
Research interests
Key Research Interests
Art and transport (both visual art and music)
Concepts of trandisciplnarity and how they relate to art
Future global mobility scenarios and utopias
Philosophy and history of transport modelling
Interpretation of modelling concepts as literary concepts
Transferability of transport policies / models between geographical locations
Public participation in transport planning
Selection of past research and consultancy projects (in chronological order, starting with the most recent)
Impact of COVID-19 on the mobility of physically challenged people and older people (UK Aid HVT), with a focus on Bangladesh, Pakistan, Zambia and Tanzania: https://tinyurl.com/mryab74a
TrACE (EC H2020 WIDESPREAD) which aimed to set up a Centre of Excellence in Transport Research in Cyprus: https://www.ciim.ac.cy/entice-projects/trace/
VIAJEO+ (EC FP7) which examined worldwide transferability (between Asia, Brazil and the EU) of sustainable urban transport policies: https://tinyurl.com/4s4vvx47 and https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/605580/reporting
STEP-CHANGE (UK EPSRC) which created new participatory planning and modelling paradigms for situations involving large-scale change, which included workshops and events in Brazil, El Salvador, Italy and UK: https://tinyurl.com/4xubfk62
Feasibility Study of Airport Logistics Parks in Thailand (DoA, Thailand): https://tinyurl.com/2zfakjj3
GHG-TRANSPORD (Reducing Greenhouse-gas Emissions of Transport Beyond 2020: Linking R&D, Transport Policies and Reduction Targets) (EC FP7): https://tinyurl.com/ydxsvt9f and https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/233828
TURBLOG_WW (Transferability of urban logistic concepts and practices from a world wide perspective) (EC FP7), which had a particular focus on Brazil and Peru: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/234061 and https://tinyurl.com/23jn67xz
Development of Common Fare System for Public Transport in Bangkok Metropolitan Area (OTP, Thailand): https://tinyurl.com/ms64sbrv
VISIONS (UK EPSRC), which created urban visions of a car-free future: https://tinyurl.com/5dhvfarn and visions2030.org.uk
EXTR@Web II (Exploitation of transport research results via the Web II) (EC FP6): https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/518369
TRANSvisions (DG TREN): Transport Scenarios with a 20- and 40- Year Horizon: https://tinyurl.com/yck7btfr and https://tinyurl.com/mrcsje2b
TEN-CONNECT: Traffic Flow Scenario, Traffic Forecast and Analysis of Traffic on the TEN-T (DG TREN): https://tinyurl.com/ycxzjv3p
Platform Grant: Towards a Unified Theoretical Framework for Transport Network and Choice Modelling (UK EPSRC): https://tinyurl.com/fvwkdw2r
SPARKLE (Sustainability Planning for Asian Cities making use of Research, know-how and Lessons from Europe) (EC ASIA PRO ECO): https://tinyurl.com/2z8kvf8h
PERIURBAN (EC INCO Dev), which carried out research on sustainable settlements in peri-urban areas in India, with special reference to impacts of transport and energy on natural resources management: https://tinyurl.com/2adkdp9y and https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/ICA4-CT-2002-10015
SPECTRUM (Study of Policies regarding Economic instruments Complementing Transport Regulation and the Undertaking of physical Measures) (EC FP5) https://www.its.leeds.ac.uk/projects/spectrum
Transport Data and Model Center Project II (OTP, Thailand): https://tinyurl.com/2my5cbbh
PROSPECTS (Procedures for Recommending Optimal Sustainable Planning of European City Transport Systems) (EC FP5: City of Tomorrow and Cultural Heritage): https://tinyurl.com/4cuvy5ev
Cost Study Structure of Land Freight Transport (NESDB, Thailand): https://tinyurl.com/yc8azccc
Public Bangkok Rail Improvement Project (SRT, Thailand): https://tinyurl.com/25mkw59z
GMURNS (Greater Malang Urban Road Network Study, Indonesia) (World Bank): https://tinyurl.com/zwe9h4hv
CODE-TEN (EC FP4): Strategic Assessment of Corridor Developments, TEN Improvements and Extensions to the CEEC/CIS: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/ST-97-SC.2090
Transport Data and Model Center Project (OTP, Thailand): https://tinyurl.com/4yctjy7w
SAMI (Strategic Assessment Methodology for the Interaction of CTP Instruments) (EC FP4): https://tinyurl.com/t9pfte9c
COMMUTE (Common Methodology for Multi-Modal Transport Environmental Impact Assessment) (EC FP4): https://tinyurl.com/2c8ny5ea
FATIMA (Financial assistance for transport integration in metropolitan areas) (EC FP4): https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/UR-96-SC.1015 and https://www.its.leeds.ac.uk/projects/fatima/
ICARO (Increase of car occupancy through innovative measures and technical instruments) (EC FP4): https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/UR-96-SC.1056
SCENARIOS (Scenarios for the Trans-European Network) (EC FP4): https://tinyurl.com/3kpp3vxx
AIUTO (Models and methodologies for the assessment of innovative urban transport systems and policies options) (EC FP4): https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/UR-95-SC.0241
OPTIMA (Optimisation of Policies for Transport Integration in Metropolitan Areas) (EC FP4): https://www.its.leeds.ac.uk/projects/optima/
Bangkok Urban Transport Project (ADB): https://tinyurl.com/mr2x2b29
ARTEMIS (Application Research & Testing for Emergency Management Intelligent Systems) (EC FP4 Telematics): https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/EN1001
Traffic Study for Muar Town, Malaysia (HPU, Government of Malaysia): https://tinyurl.com/3r823xd6
KITE (Kernel project on Impact of Transport telematics on the Environment) (EC FP3 DRIVE 2): https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/V2063
VRU-TOO (Vulnerable Road User Traffic Observation and Optimization) (EC FP3 DRIVE 2): https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/V2005
MARGOT (Modelling and Assessment of Dynamic Route Guidance) (EC FP3 DRIVE 2): https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/V2033
An Intelligent Traffic System for Vulnerable Road Users (V1031) (EC FP2 DRIVE 1): https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/V1031
- BA(Hons) in Mathematics (1974) Oxford University
- MSc in Transport Planning and Engineering (1986), University of Leeds
- PhD in Transport Modelling (1990) University of Leeds
Student education
Module leader and developer of MSc module “Global Transferability of Policies” (TRAN5233M): https://tinyurl.com/39a5a3p5
Provision of a variety of MSc and undergraduate lectures on various modules
Supervisor of 11 current MSc dissertations (March 2024) and 50+ past MSc dissertations, including 23 dissertations since 2017 on the topic of ‘art and transport’, concerned with art in: urban public space; metro stations; buses; and airport terminals. Students doing art and transport dissertations have come from China, Indonesia, India and Russia. See recent presentation (Jan 2024) on these art and transport dissertations at https://tinyurl.com/mtks9b6c
Provision of training in public transport in Ghana in 2022 (GUMAP: Ghana Urban Mobility and Accessibility Project): https://tinyurl.com/2mmb9654
Provision of lectures on the MSc in Transport Engineering and Economics at the Kigali Institute for Science and Technology (KIST), Rwanda, in 2012 and 2013
Provided SATURN training in Leeds, Fortaleza (Brazil), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Bangkok (Thailand), Hanoi (Vietnam), San Salvador (El Salvador), Mumbai (India), Coimbra (Portugal), Kigali (Rwanda) and Santiago (Chile)
Involvement with EU-funded programmes for international training collaboration, including: TEMPUS (with University of Ruse, Bulgaria); ASIALINK (TRANSLINK project, with universities in Malaysia and Indonesia); and ERASMUS MUNDUS (TECHNO project, with universities in Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam).
Research groups and institutes
- Spatial Modelling and Dynamics
Current postgraduate researchers
<h4>Postgraduate research opportunities</h4> <p>We welcome enquiries from motivated and qualified applicants from all around the world who are interested in PhD study. Our <a href="https://phd.leeds.ac.uk">research opportunities</a> allow you to search for projects and scholarships.</p>Projects
<li><a href="//phd.leeds.ac.uk/project/1555-artful-journeys:-improving-the-traveller’s-experience">Artful journeys: improving the traveller’s experience</a></li>