Research project
Centre of Interaction Data Estimation and Research (CIDER): Extension Funding
- Start date: 1 August 2011
- End date: 31 July 2012
Primary Investigator: John Stillwell (University of Leeds)
Co-Investigator: Oliver Duke-Williams (UCL)
Overview: This extension research project enables the activities of the Centre for Interaction Data Estimation and Research (CIDER) as a Census Programme ‘Data Support Unit’ to be continued for a further 12 months until 31 July 2012. The main objectives are to:
- Provide a high quality ‘data support’ service that delivers origin-destination migration and commuting data online to the academic user community in the UK
- Improve the Web-based Interface for Census Interaction Data (WICID), the software through which users gain access to secondary and derived origin-destination flow data sets and develop the facilities available to users to analyse their extracted data
- Include further UK interaction data sets in WICID including derived interaction data sets from existing data holdings commissioned census tables, annual data generated from NHSCR and patient registers that are supplied by ONS, and immigration data from various administrative sources
- Upgrade documentation, disseminate information across the social science disciplines and provide expert advice to user group
- Prepare for incorporating the results of the 2011 Census into WICID and consider future developments of the WICID system and its data holdings in light of the 2011 Census being the last of its kind.
Grant Reference: RES-348-25-0005-01