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Hayley Pankhurst

Hayley is a current Food Science and Nutrition MSci, BSc student. For her, one of the main draws of choosing Leeds was the opportunity to gain experience in industry while studying. Separate to the course itself, she also liked the feel of Leeds as a city – big enough to keep her entertained, with plenty to do, but not too huge and overwhelming.

Another aspect of Leeds university that helped her decision to apply here were the facilities in the School of Food Science and Nutrition. She relates that “I also liked the resources available and the opportunity to use the different labs and equipment – particularly the nutritional sciences labs.”

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Course highlights

A big course highlight for Hayley was the industrial placement year where she worked in Product Development at Pepsico. She explains: “During this year, I gained critical experience in industry but also made great friends.”

During this year, I gained critical experience in industry but also made great friends.

Hayley Pankhurst, Food Science and Nutrition MSci, BSc

The placement year also gave Hayley the opportunity to travel and helped her better understand what she might want to do career-wise post-graduation. The year in industry also allowed Hayley the space to build up her professional and personal skills. She relates that “it really pushed me out of my comfort zones and helped to build my day-to-day confidence.”

Hayley Pankhurst PepsiCo placement year


Exciting projects

Another highlight for Hayley was working at the university of Leeds between her placement year and final year: “I worked as an undergraduate research intern in the food colloid labs working on the development of plant-based thickeners. It was great to take part the new research areas that the university is investing in and was brilliant to have the opportunity to work independently in the labs.”

Ambitions for the future

Hayley plans to enter the food industry and has secured a graduate role working for McCormick in Marketing and Commercial starting in September.

She explains that “my placement year was critical to me getting my graduate role as I worked closely with similar roles while at PepsiCo. This gave me a greater understanding of what I could expect.” Additionally, having the experience of working in the flavour industry gave Hayley the upper hand and more confidence during interviews.

My placement year was critical to me getting my graduate role

Hayley Pankhurst, Food Science and Nutrition MSci, BSc

Hayley also cites a ‘Careers in Food Science and Nutrition’ module she took in her second year as being a real help to getting on her placement and graduate role. She explains that this module “taught us about the importance of LinkedIn, cover letters and CV’s but also allowed me to practice interviews and assessment centres prior to applications to placements”.

FSN Hayley Pankhurst case study group task

Parting words…

To students considering studying Food Science and Nutrition MSci, BSc Hayley advises that “This course has real-world implications and will build knowledge and skills you’ll use in the workplace. If you can gain industry experience, take every opportunity you are given as it will help you build your network but will also give you so many personal skills that will benefit you in both your degree and everyday life.”

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