Molly Murton
- Course: Nutrition MSc
What course are you studying?
This year, I am studying for an MSc in Nutrition with the School of Food Science and Nutrition.
Why did you decide to study a masters at the University of Leeds?
Having never studied nutrition before, I chose Leeds for my Masters due to the quality of the course (including its accreditation) and breadth of modules offered which I felt matched my interests and would give me an excellent founding on many topics in nutrition. I was also drawn to Leeds as a city because of its vibrant atmosphere.
What has been the best aspect of studying on your course and at the University so far and why?
The best aspect of studying MSc Nutrition so far has been the opportunity and encouragement to pursue your own interests through independent study and within assignments along with acquiring skills relevant not only to the course but also later life, more generally. The University also has a number of excellent facilities which fosters creative and productive learning environments.
Tell us about some of the exciting projects you have completed.
The assignments throughout the course have been varied in terms of subject matter and structure, ranging from individual to group work. For example, there has been the opportunity to complete lab projects to hone scientific technical skills; and to carry out an epidemiological project in small groups – I am focussing on the impact of stress on eating habits. I am also looking forward to completing a project addressing the impact of polyphenol consumption on glycemic index of food in the summer.
What does Leeds as a city have to offer students?
Due to the 3 universities in Leeds, it is a very student-orientated city. Much of the opportunities are student-led, and there are plenty of things to get involved in, whatever your interests.
What are your ambitions for the future?
In the future, I am planning to pursue a career in Medical Communications where I hope to use the knowledge I have gained from my course to aid developments in the wider healthcare industry.
What experiences at Leeds do you think will help you in your future career?
I think the focus on developing skills in critical appraisal of current scientific work will be of paramount importance for my (and any) future career. Along with this, assignments and deadlines are tailored to be reflective of a real-life working environment. Group work gives experience of working with others towards a common goal.
More broadly, for those unsure of a career path, the University runs a number of careers fairs throughout the year (subject and non-subject specific) which gives you the opportunity to meet potential employers. The careers service is very proactive in the School of Food Science and Nutrition, proving an array of information for nutrition-related opportunities and careers.
What would you say to students coming to do the same course?
To students considering this course and a career in nutrition or any scientific field, I would highly recommend Leeds for the course, University environment and general atmosphere of the city.