Research project
- Start date: 1 September 2021
- End date: 31 August 2023
- Funder: European Space Agency
- Value: £300,000
- Partners and collaborators: British Antarctic Survey, University of Edinburgh, EarthWave, Norwegian Research Centre, Sorbonne Université
- Primary investigator: Professor Anna E. Hogg
- Co-investigators: Dr Benjamin J. Davison
- External co-investigators: Michael Meredith (BAS), Noel Gourmelen (University of Edinburgh), Jean-Baptiste Sallee (Sorbonne Université), Andrew Meijers (BAS), Shenjie Zhou (BAS), Svein Østerhus (NORCE), Livia Jacob (EarthWave), Dan Jones (BAS), Povl Abrahamsen (BAS), Casimir de Lavergne (Sorbonne Université), Dan Goldberg (University of Edinburgh)
This ESA SO-ICE project is a collaborative research action bringing together the ESA Polar+ Ice Shelves and 4D Antarctica projects, and the European Commission (EC) Southern Ocean Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate (SO-CHIC) project, in order to improve understanding of the processes controlling ice-ocean interactions in the Antarctic region.
This will deliver a step-change in the understanding of how ice-ocean interaction is driving observed ice dynamic changes, and will ultimately improve the accuracy with which we can predict the future evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Improved understanding of how ice-ocean interaction is driving observed ice dynamic changes in the Weddell Sea region.
Project website