Ores and Mineralization

Gold mineral vein in rock face

We are a multi-disciplinary group with broad research interests in both fundamental and applied studies into economic mineralization. Our current research follows two broad themes: exploration and deposit specific studies and regional aspects and models of ore mineralization systems. We are especially focused on Phanerozoic orogenic gold, placer gold systems and porphyry deposits.

We draw upon expertise in ore deposit systems, geochemistry, metamorphic and igneous petrology, structural geology at all scales, geophysics, instrument analysis and (uniquely) sedimentology and basin analysis.

With in-house, state-of-the-art facilities such as the advanced electron optics facility, LA-ICP-MS, stable isotope, radiogenic isotope laboratories, experimental rock deformation laboratory, and high-end computing facilities we can combine numerous techniques to understand highly complex multi-dimensional ore systems.

Research areas

Our work spans from deposit specific studies to regional exploration and generic mineralization studies. We take a variety of approaches, from detailed gold mineralogy in placers, veins and their host rocks, to the wider structural controls of mineralization.

  • Deposit-specific studies on actively explored areas in e.g. Yukon, British Columbia, and Newfoundland in Canada; Turkey; Northern Ireland; Republic of Ireland; and Scotland.
  • Regional research into mineralization in Northern Cordillera, including a partnership in e.g. MDRU (UBC) industry-funded projects developing a metallogenic framework for the area. This work has recently expanded into Alaska in collaboration with the USGS.
  • Regional research into the structural and geochemical characterization of mineralization in the wider Caledonides of the British Isles and their equivalents in North America; this line of study additionally feeds into investigating genetic models for structurally controlled ("orogenic") gold, especially in Phanerozoic systems.
  • Research into trace element mobility and concentration in Cu-Au magmatic-hydrothermal systems.
  • Placer deposits; recent projects include studies of heavy minerals as ore deposit indicators and sedimentary controls on placer deposit formation.

Further information

View all members of our research group, our recent projects and publications.

PhD projects

We have opportunities for prospective postgraduate researchers.

Contact us

If you would like to discuss an area of research in more detail please contact the Research Group Lead: Dr Rob Chapman and Dr Taija Torvela