The Shallow Marine Research Group

An industry-facing research group bringing together multi-disciplinary expertise in all aspects of applied shallow-marine sedimentary research.

Principal aim

To conduct cutting-edge research into the application of shallow-marine sedimentology for developing a better understanding of issues relating to hydrocarbon systems, mining and mineral exploration, and carbon sequestration.

Specific objectives

Develop a state-of-the-art knowledge transfer programme to distil current thinking and trends in applied shallow-marine research; to present summary data and models in a format suitable for direct use by industrial sponsors.

The SMRG is part of the Centre for integrated Petroleum Engineering and Geoscience (CiPEG), a collaboration between the School of Earth and Environment and the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Leeds.

For further information on the SMRG contact:

CiPEG Business Development Director Dr Rachael Spraggs at

Project website