Federico Venturini
- Course: PhD in Geography
- PhD title: A critical perspective on social ecology and urban crises: learning about, with and from urban social movements in Rio de Janeiro
- Year of graduation: 2016
- Nationality: Italian
- Job title: Honorary Fellow
- Company: University of Udine
Supervisors: Dr Sara Gonzalez, Professor Paul Chatterton
Why did you decide to study for a PhD, and why Leeds?
I had the chance to do an Erasmus placement at the University of Leeds while finishing my Master in Italy. When I was at Leeds I discovered the School of Geography: the research topics tackled by the Cities & Social Justice cluster quickly drew my attention and I was fascinated by the inclusive and participatory methodologies used, something that I never encountered before. When I went back home to finish my Masters I realized that coming back to Leeds for a PhD was the right next step for me.
What is your experience of PhD study in the School and what skills have you learnt?
The campus is amazing, we have all the facilities that we need as students: high tech classrooms, libraries, the student union, and the gym. The whole University offers countless spaces for studying and concentrating on my research, plus the personal office in the School. I had many opportunities to share my ideas, joy, fears and projects with my fellow PhD students. I had the privilege to have as supervisors Dr Sara Gonzalez and Professor Paul Chatterton who supported me academically and personally during PhD research.
What are your career aspirations?
My goal is to be able to work in a University: continuing my research and being an inspiring teacher. I hope to bring the knowledge that I learned during my researchers to the broad public, outside the walls of the University, with the aim to help a social change for a more equitable and sustainable society.
What would you say to someone who may be considering studying a PhD in the School of Geography?
My suggestion is to take advantage of all the initiatives organized by the School: you will have the chance to meet researchers from all over the world and hear incredible eye-opening experiences and reports. Be open to new encounters and changes in your research: researching is a process!