Research projects

You searched in Institute for Transport Studies Institute for Transport Studies

Current projects

Title Funder Start date End date
Digital Twinning Research Hub for Decarbonising Transport EPSRC 1 July 2024 30 June 2029
INFUZE (Inspiring Futures for Zero Carbon Mobility) EPSRC 1 August 2024 1 August 2028
Governance Theme - Energy Demand Research Centre (EDRC) Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 July 2023 1 July 2028
Place Theme - Energy Demand Research Centre (EDRC) Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 July 2023 1 July 2028
Enhancing Novice Drivers' Safety: Innovative Training to Improve Hazard Anticipation Skills 1 June 2024 30 May 2027
Advancing Capacity for Climate and Environment Social Science Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 February 2022 31 January 2027
Synergy European Research Council (ERC) 1 February 2022 31 January 2027
Analytics for Demand Responsive Online Intelligent Transport EPSRC 4 September 2023 4 September 2026
Analytics for Demand Responsive Online Intelligent Transport (ADROIT) EPSRC 4 September 2023 3 September 2026
FAME 1 July 2023 30 June 2025
Traffic safety culture to improve road safety in West Yorkshire UK Research and Innovation 1 April 2024 31 March 2025
Nanoparticle Emissions From The Transport Sector: Health and Policy Impacts EU Horizon 2020 1 June 2021 30 November 2024
TOZCA – Towards Zero Carbon Aviation EPSRC 1 November 2021 1 November 2024
Future Flight in Place Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 1 October 2023 31 October 2024
NEXt generation activity and travel behavioUr modelS: Bringing together choice modelling, data science and ubiquitous computing (NEXUS) UK Research and Innovation 15 October 2020 14 October 2024

Past projects

Title Funder Start date End date
Network for Innovative Sustainable Transportation Co-Simulation (NIST-CS) - Second Stage 1 April 2013 31 August 2024
EMBARC: Enhancing Models of Behavioural and Attitudinal Relative Changes 1 September 2023 31 July 2024
E-Drone EPSRC 1 January 2021 30 June 2024
COMMOTIONS (Computational Models of Traffic Interactions for Testing of Automated Vehicles) EPSRC 1 July 2019 31 December 2023
Adaptation to Imperfect Steering Assistant (AISA) 1 March 2023 31 December 2023
Train unit capacity strengthening optimisation using RS-opt 1 February 2023 30 September 2023
TRANSITION Clean Air Network, Leeds Subcontract NERC 1 September 2020 31 August 2023
DecarboN8 Network+ EPSRC 1 September 2019 31 August 2023
ADAS User Attentiveness Department for Transport 1 July 2022 11 June 2023
No.10 Data Science Fellowship ESRC 1 November 2021 30 April 2023
HiTRANS Mobility as a Service (Maas) II - Evaluation Transport Scotland (HESA Cat 3 - UK Central Government, Local Health and Hospital Authorities) 1 April 2022 31 March 2023
RAILS EU Horizon 2020 1 December 2019 30 November 2022
Assisted Very Short Term Planning RSSB 1 April 2020 30 November 2022
Knowledge Exchange Fellowship in Community Resilience ESRC 1 June 2022 18 November 2022
MODALES - Modify Drivers’ behaviour to Adapt for Lower EmissionS EU Horizon 2020 1 September 2019 31 August 2022
Rail Openings Appraisal: Review and development of appraisal practice for new railway lines, stations and services RSSB 1 August 2020 30 June 2022
HiTRANS Mobility as a Service 1 April 2020 30 June 2022
Optimising the Design, Maintenance and Operation of Branch Lines RSSB 1 March 2021 30 June 2022
HAROLD: HAzards, ROad Lighting and Driving EPSRC 1 January 2019 30 June 2022
PAsCAL - Enhance driver behaviour and Public Acceptance of Connected and Autonomous vehicLes EU Horizon 2020 1 June 2019 31 May 2022
uCARe EU Horizon 2020 1 May 2019 30 April 2022
Trustonomy EU Horizon 2020 1 May 2019 30 April 2022
Towards an adaptive and Intelligent automatic train operations (A.I. – ATO) Royal Academy of Engineering 15 April 2020 15 April 2022
Interoperable Simulator Phase 3 EPSRC 1 June 2021 31 March 2022
Strategy and action plan for electrification of public transport and intermediate public transport in India cities 15 February 2021 28 February 2022
U-PASS Urban Public Administration and ServiceS innovation for Innovative Urban Mobility Management and Policy ESRC 1 March 2019 28 February 2022
Multi-Disciplinary Pedestrian in the Loop Simulator EPSRC 1 January 2018 31 December 2021
Modelling the exposure risk tradeoff between public transit and private paratransit for transport decision making in the era of Covid19 EPSRC 27 October 2020 26 October 2021
ARCADE EU Horizon 2020 1 October 2018 1 October 2021
L3 Pilot Driving Automation EU Horizon 2020 1 September 2017 31 August 2021
Apollo European Research Council (ERC) 1 February 2020 31 July 2021
Valuing Accessibility in Transport Department for Transport 1 June 2019 30 June 2021
Strategies to attract rail passengers back after the COVID pandemic RSSB 1 October 2020 30 June 2021
SaferActive Department for Transport 1 April 2020 30 June 2021
ADAPT - Sustainable Behaviour Change EPSRC 1 June 2016 31 May 2021
New micro-location data analytics for improved cross-sectoral policies mitigating transport, environmental and inactivity related societal burdens (KARMA) The Alan Turing Institute 1 October 2018 31 May 2021
Assets4Rail EU Horizon 2020 1 December 2018 30 May 2021
Residual values and appraisal period in multimodal transport appraisal Department for Transport 1 January 2021 30 April 2021
Modelling the links between transport, air quality and COVID-19 spread using naturalistic data from Dhaka, Bangladesh DFID 15 October 2020 15 March 2021
Modelling the energy and environmental impacts of ride-hailing and ride-sharing services in India leveraging the passive data sources SPARC, UKIERI 15 March 2019 14 March 2021
Valuation and Appraisal of Accessibility in Rail (VAAR): an appraisal framework for improvements in accessibility for all RSSB 1 April 2019 31 December 2020
The Propensity to Cycle Tool Department for Transport 1 January 2017 31 December 2020
SUITCEYES - Working on a solution that will give 2.5 million deafblind people a more active part in society. SUITCEYES 1 January 2018 1 December 2020
Targeting the Bad Emitting Vehicles EPSRC 1 May 2019 30 November 2020
ELVITEN - Electrified L-category Vehicles Integrated into Transport and Electricity Networks EU Horizon 2020 1 November 2017 1 November 2020
Decisions EU Horizon 2020 1 July 2014 30 June 2020
interACT - Enabling the safe integration of automated vehicles into mixed traffic environments EU Horizon 2020 1 May 2017 30 April 2020
UNDERstanding Indian Urban Governance REFORM ESRC/ICSSR 1 May 2018 30 April 2020
VeriCAV Innovate UK 1 January 2019 31 March 2020
ACTON RCUK 1 December 2019 30 March 2020
HumanDrive RCUK Innovate UK 1 July 2017 29 February 2020
Uptake of E-Motorcycles Royal Academy of Engineering 1 March 2018 31 January 2020
AUTOPILOT - AUTOmated driving Progressed by the Internet Of Things EU Horizon 2020 1 January 2017 31 December 2019
OptiYard - Optimised Real-time Yard and Network Management EU Horizon 2020 1 October 2017 30 September 2019
PRETTI West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) 1 January 2019 30 September 2019
optiTruck - optimal fuel consumption with Predictive Power Train Control and calibration for intelligent trucks EU Horizon 2020 1 September 2016 31 August 2019
Electricity Satnav - Electricity Smart Availability Topology of Network for Abundant Electric Vehicles EPSRC 1 September 2018 31 August 2019
SMaRTE - Smart Maintenance and the Rail Traveller Experience EU Horizon 2020 1 September 2017 31 August 2019
Brain imaging of decision-making in traffic emergencies Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund 1 April 2018 31 July 2019
Sustainable Transport Equity Partnerships (STEPs) HEFCE 11 December 2018 31 July 2019
ATO - Automatic Train Operation Newton Fund 1 April 2017 1 April 2019
Next Generation - Driving Behaviour Models EU Marie Curie 1 February 2015 1 February 2019
PSi - Programme for Simulation Innovation EPSRC/Jaguar Land Rover(JLR) 1 December 2012 31 December 2018
INTALInC - International Network for Transport and Accessibility in Low Income Communities Volvo Research Foundation (VREF) 1 January 2017 31 December 2018
GamECAR - Gamification of EcoDriving Behaviours EU Horizon 2020 1 January 2017 31 December 2018
CQC Efficiency Network - Customer, Quality, Cost 1 April 2015 31 December 2018
XCYCLE - Fairer, safer cycling EU Horizon 2020 1 June 2015 30 November 2018
CARTRE - Coordination of Automated Road Transport Deployment for Europe EU Horizon 2020 1 October 2016 1 October 2018
TrACE - Transport Analytics Centre of Excellence EU Horizon 2020 1 September 2017 31 August 2018
NeTIRail-INFRA: Sustainable Railways EU Horizon 2020 1 June 2015 31 May 2018
Demand - Dynamics of Energy, Mobility and Demand RCUK 1 May 2013 1 May 2018
EMPOWER - Rewarding Change EU Horizon 2020 1 May 2015 30 April 2018
STS - Smarter Travel Solution RCUK Innovate UK 1 March 2016 1 February 2018
DITTO - Development of Integrated Tools to Optimise Rail Systems RSSB 1 September 2014 31 August 2017
UDRIVE - European Naturalistic Driving Study EU FP7 1 October 2012 30 June 2017
AdaptIVe Automated Driving EU FP7 1 January 2014 1 June 2017
FOT-Net Data, Field Operational Test Networking and Data Sharing Support European Commission/FP7 1 January 2014 31 December 2016
MOT - Motoring and vehicle Ownership Trends in the UK EPSRC 1 January 2016 31 December 2016
Viajeo PLUS International Cooperation for Implementation of innovative and efficient urban mobility solutions EU Horizon 2020 1 May 2013 30 April 2016
ecoDriver EU FP7 1 October 2011 31 March 2016
Ch4llenge - Sustainable urban mobility planning EU FP7 1 January 2013 1 January 2016
Disruption - Unlocking Low Carbon Travel EPSRC 1 September 2011 31 August 2014
TRANSAS: COVID-19 Transport, Travel and Social Adaptation Study UK Research and Innovation May 2020 July 2023
A465: Social assessment of road improvement schemes Welsh Government April 2017 March 2018