Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Abi thornley Abi Thornley Geography BA British
Adriane Esquivel Muelbert Adriane Esquivel Muelbert PhD in Ecology and Global Change Brazilian
Alice Noble Alice Noble PhD in Ecology British
Dr Alice Owen - Sustainability Research Institute Alice Owen PhD in Sustainability British
Ana Cabrera Pacheco Ana Cabrera Pacheco PhD in Human Geography Mexican
Anna Wolski Anna Wolski Urban Data Science and Analytics MSc British
Annabel Whipp Annabel Whipp CDT for Data Analytics and Society English
Arizka Warganegara Arizka Warganegara PhD in Political Geography Indonesian
Ben Gillespie Ben Gillespie PhD in River Basin Processes and Management British
Catherine duffy profile Catherine Duffy Geography BA (Industrial) British
Image of School of Geography Masters student Claire Kobold-Vettraino in the Yorkshire countryside. Claire Kobold-Vettraino Geographical Information Systems MSc
Image of final year undergraduate student Elinor Sullivan standing by the sea. Elinor Sullivan Geography BSc with Industrial Year British
Federico Venturini Federico Venturini PhD in Geography Italian
Fran Darlington Fran Darlington-Pollock PhD in Human Geography British
Fran Pontin Fran Pontin CDT for Data Analytics and Society British
Gemma Dooling Gemma Dooling PhD in Physical Geography British
Image of Urban Data Science and Analytics MSc student Georgia Wade Georgia Wade Urban Data Science and Analytics MSc
Greta Dargie Greta Dargie PhD in Ecology and Global Change
Ilya - GIS online student Ilya Ilyankou Geographical Information Science MSc Belarus
James Bailey James Bailey Geographical Information Science MSc Welsh