Research projects

You searched in School of Earth and Environment Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science

Current projects

Title Funder Start date End date
Novel satellite and modelling studies to assess wildfire emission impacts on air quality and climate 1 October 2023 30 September 2027
Contrail Assessment of Future Aircraft and Propulsion Architectures NERC 10 May 2024 31 December 2026
MAGICA - Modelling Aviation Global climate Impacts from Contrails and Aerosols NERC 10 May 2024 31 December 2026
Tackling the Arctic Cloud Problem NERC 1 January 2022 31 December 2026
DCMEX additional funding (CloudSense2) NERC 1 January 2024 31 December 2025
Increasing UK Dietary Fibre - The Case for the Great White British Loaf BBSRC/NERC, Molecules to Landscapes 1 October 2022 31 October 2025
MOAP NG-ARCH 1 April 2024 30 September 2025
City-centered approach to catalyze nature-based solutions through the EU Regenerative Urban Lighthouse for pollution alleviation and regenerative development (UPSURGE) EU Horizon 2020 1 September 2021 31 August 2025
GreenSpace 1 January 2023 31 March 2025
Hydrological cycle responses to land use change and climate change over Brazil 1 April 2024 31 March 2025
Diabatic evolution of clouds in a Lagrangian framework: turbulence, vorticity dynamics and precipitation effects EPSRC 1 December 2020 30 November 2024
TOZCA – Towards Zero Carbon Aviation EPSRC 1 November 2021 1 November 2024

Past projects

Title Funder Start date End date
Meeting the Paris Agreement on Climate: Exploiting Earth System Models to determine the role of future land-use change NERC 1 September 2019 31 August 2024
SO-ICE European Space Agency 1 September 2021 31 August 2023
Understanding rising seas and ice by linking coupled models and past climates (RISICMAP19) NERC 1 December 2020 31 May 2023
Constraining projections of ice sheet instabilities and future sea level rise UK Research and Innovation 1 May 2019 30 April 2023
From emissions to climate impacts and back again NERC 1 May 2020 30 April 2023
Tropospheric Ozone and Climate Interactions in the Satellite Era (TOCISE) European Space Agency 1 March 2021 28 February 2023
National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) NERC 1 April 2017 31 March 2022
FORSEA - Follow-on Newton Fund 01/07/2021 31 March 2022
Severe Precipitation In South East Asia (SPISEA) Newton Fund 1 April 2020 31 March 2022
FlyZero - Climate impact of emissions from aircrafts using alternative fuel and energy systems Aerospace Technology Institute 1 May 2021 31 December 2021
CLOUD-MOTION: Aerosol nucleation in the CERN CLOUD chamber and the effects on climate EU Marie Curie 1 October 2017 1 October 2021
Aerosols, clouds and the effect on Arctic climate (PhD project) NERC 1 October 2018 1 October 2021
Statistical methods to quantify and visualise the complex behaviour of clouds in the climate system EPSRC 1 October 2018 1 October 2021
ACSIS: The North Atlantic Climate System Integrated Study NCAS, NERC 1 July 2016 1 July 2021
MeteorStrat (Meteoric influences on stratospheric aerosol and clouds) NERC 1 April 2018 31 March 2021
African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) 1 January 2003 31 December 2020
National Centre for Atmospheric Science NCAS/NERC 1 June 2011 31 December 2020
Process analysis, observations and modelling - cleaner air for Delhi (PROMOTE) Newton Fund 14 November 2016 13 November 2020
CRESCENDO: Coordinated Research in Earth Systems and Climate: Experiments, Knowledge, Dissemination and Outreach EU Horizon 2020 1 October 2015 1 October 2020
Quantifying the effect of uncertainties in aerosols on near-term climate projections NERC 1 October 2017 1 October 2020
Sources and Impacts of Short-Lived Anthropogenic Chlorine (SISLAC) NERC 1 October 2017 30 September 2020
The African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis for 2050 (AMMA-2050) project: The University of Leeds helps advise on future climate change over West Africa. 1 January 2015 31 December 2019
CLARIFY: CLouds and Aerosol Radiative Impacts and Forcing NERC 1 July 2016 1 July 2019
Stratospheric and upper tropospheric processes for better climate predictions (StratoClim) EU FP7 1 December 2013 31 May 2019
Project IMPALA (Improving Model Processes for African cLimAte) 1 January 2015 31 January 2019
Forward modelling of past abrupt climate transitions 1 December 2013 1 December 2018
ACE-SPACE: Antarctic Circumnavigation Experiment: Study of Preindustrial-like Aerosol Climate Effects Swiss Polar Institute 1 November 2016 1 November 2018
JET2000 Project Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) 1 January 2000 31 December 2005
WAGES: Waves Aerosol and Gas Exchange Study NERC 2010 2013
Using climate modelling and process studies to understand food production and food security
The use of seasonal forecasts for crop yield prediction
See the Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosol page for project information
Pliocene Transient Climate modelling EU Horizon 2020
ESA STSE Grounding Line Ice Thickness (GLITter) Project:
ESA Greenland Ice Sheet Climate Change Initiative (GrIS_cci) Project:
ESA Antarctic Ice Sheet Climate Change Initiative (AIS_cci) Project:
Climate-smart agriculture and crop breeding
ASIST: Air-Sea Interaction & Sea-spray in Typhoons
ASCOS : Arctic Summer Cloud-Ocean Study
Antarctic Peninsula Mass Balance Project
Adaptation, treatment of uncertainty and managing risks
ACCACIA: Aerosol-Cloud Coupling and Climate Interactions in the Arctic