Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Postgraduate researcher Emily Dowd Emily Dowd PhD in Atmospheric Science British
Felipe Rivera Sanin, MSc Environment and Development alumni Felipe Rivera Sanin Environment and Development MSc Colombian
Frauke Rinelli, MSc Environment and Development alumni Frauke Rinelli Environment and Development MSc German
Freya I. Addison, MRes Climate and Atmospheric Science alumni Freya I. Addison Climate and Atmospheric Science MRes British
Gabriella Alodia Gabriella Alodia PhD in Institute of Applied Geosciences (IAG) and Institute of Gephysics and Tectonics (IGT) Indonesian
Graham reveley, studying a MSc in  Exploration Geophysics at the University of Leeds. Graham Reveley Exploration Geophysics MSc British
Case Study, Sustainable Food Systems MSc Hannah Thomas Sustainable Food Systems and Food Security MSc British
Image of Leeds student, Hazel Mooney Hazel Mooney Environmental Science BSc British
Profile image of Sustainable Food Systems MSc student, Husain Alogaily Husain Alogaily Sustainable Food Systems and Food Security MSc British
Exploration Geophysics Alumni profile image Innes Hamilton Exploration Geophysics MSc Scottish
Isabelle White is a second year undergraduate student, currently studying Geophysics (International) MGeophys, BSc, School of Earth and Environment. Isabelle White Geophysics BSc (Study Abroad) British
Isabelle Wicks smiling at the camera, sat in the School of Earth and Environment foyer. Isabelle Wicks Geophysics BSc British
Image of Jack Johnson smiling at the camera. Jack Johnson Engineering Geology MSc British
Jacob Connolly Jacob Connolly PhD in Remote Sensing British
James Bone James Bone Environmental Science BSc
Jason Lowenstein Jason Lowenstein PhD in Atmospheric Physics
Postgraduate researcher Jessica Payne Jessica Payne PhD in Earth Observation and Seismic Hazard United Kingdom
Geology BSc case study image John Fieldhouse Geology BSc British
Jonathan Tyrer, MSc Engineering Geology alumni Jonathan Tyrer Engineering Geology MSc British
Josh Dunlop, BSc Geology and MSc Engineering Geology alumni. Josh Dunlop Geology BSc, Engineering Geology MSc British